DEEP works towards a peaceful and ecologically regenerative world where people are able to reach their full potential, free from direct and structural violence. Our members share the following values:
Cooperative & Collaborative:
Cooperation is a means and end to our work, which diverges from the competitiveness widely promoted as part of a neoliberal agenda. Values of cooperation and collaboration infuse relations among DEEP Network members, with partner communities and local stakeholders, and with other civil society organizations and NGOs, Indigenous peoples, bilateral and multilateral development agencies, intergovernmental organizations such as the UN, and state entities as we engage in joint projects of dialogue, conflict transformation, and peacebuilding.
Anyone with a project that fulfils the objectives and values of the Network is welcome to join, participate, and seek support. This inclusive approach generates a wide network of individuals, communities, and organizations, all working towards a peaceful and ecologically regenerative world.
While the Network has a leadership team consisting of coordinators of the various nodes and organizational tasks, each member of the Network is among equals. Decisions pertaining to the Network’s policies and activities are made collectively and consensually.
Culturally & Ecologically Sensitive:
Cultural sensitivity is fundamental, especially since Network projects are undertaken in diverse settings by intercultural teams. All projects include a culturally sensitive stakeholder engagement strategy to ensure the meaningful, effective and informed participation of stakeholders in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects. This helps avoid adverse impacts on the environment and human rights of people on the ground.