The Dialogue, Empathic Engagement & Peacebuilding (DEEP) Network is a global, culturally diverse, and volunteer-based community of peace activists, scholars, and change-makers.  The words—Dialogue, Empathic Engagement and Peacebuilding—that make up the name of the network reflect what we do, foster, facilitate, promote, and advocate. The network brings together passionate and committed change-makers from across the globe and generations who strive to foster hope, love, compassion, generosity, and empathy in a world plagued with increasing xenophobia, bigotry, violence, and apathy. Through small groups referred to as DEEP circles operating in a wide range of countries and regions around the world, we work largely in partnership and collaboration with people and communities whose voices and life-ways have been marginalized, devalued, and neglected and experience multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.

Our projects:

  • promote diversity and intercultural understanding
  • bridge divides
  • enhance empathy
  • empower marginalized voices and communities
  • transform conflict before it escalates into protracted violence
  • foster ecological regeneration [Click here for a brief statement on ecological regeneration]
  • facilitate policy innovation