DEEP Circles
A DEEP circle comprises of several members who have come together to collaborate on projects and activities focused on achieving the vision and aims of the DEEP Network. Some of the circles are locally based but many are globally oriented. We welcome the setting up of new circles. Anyone wishing to do so, please email Here are the profiles of the current circles:
Cameroon Circle (DEEP Cameroon)
To build a better nation, we will start by shaping every root of the tree. Cameroon being this tree and surviving on every family, we as Volunteers have decided to join this non-profit venture to profit the future of our nation. For us to foster Dialogue, Empathy Engagement & Peacebuilding, we have decided to bring it down to the root which is the family.
Daira e Hamdardi (Pakistan)
Daira e Hamdardi is Urdu for Empathy Circle. Based in Pakistan, this is a circle of volunteers striving for just and equitable society for all through diversified engagement including but not limited to training, dialogues, action projects and research. Its members are passionate and committed to contribute towards the broader goal of the circle with the available resources and capacities.
Feminist Decolonial Circle
[Abya Yala (Americas) & translocalities]
This circle focuses on the relations of coloniality that still forge and sustain international relations and peacebuilding today. Its key objective is to create a space to share translocal experiences of oppression, vulnerability and injustice in order to transform them into cross-border and collective feminist forms of resistance.
DEEP En-Gender
The Dialogue, Empathy, Ecology, and Peace (DEEP) En-Gender circle is a volunteer-based, non-profit, non-governmental organization aiming for social transformation in the Southeast Asia region focusing on two key areas at the moment: peace & gender justice and food security & ecological regeneration. Our priority is working with marginalized groups including women in conflict affected areas and indigenous communities.
Jepara Circle (Indonesia)
Jepara is a town on the north coast of Central Java in Indonesia. This circle is focused on educational and peace work carried out through two separate organisations that were founded by its coordinator, Ikfina Maufuriyah (Fina): Jalin Damai (Peace Network) and Komunitas Peduli Anak (KOMPAK) Jepara (Community Childcare).
Montescola Circle (Galicia, Spain)
Montescola is a new word combining the Galizan-Portuguese “monte” (mountain, forest) and “escola” (school). In Galiza, common land accounts for 1/3 of the territory (approximately 650.000 hectares) that are directly managed by traditional assembly democracy communities, significantly contributing to the livelihood of more than half a million people.
Peace House Circle
Building on existing structures of self-organization for empowerment of local communities, that provide safe spaces, in which a spirit of dialogue, peaceful coexistence, inclusiveness, experimentation and cooperation flourish, this circle is a network of flexible and multi-sited Peace Houses.
Semillero DEEP Circle (Castellon de la Plana, Spain)
The Semillero circle comprises mainly students studying the International Master in Peace, Conflict and Development at Jaume I University, who are from diverse cultural backgrounds. The word “semillero” is Spanish for seed bed, which can also mean nursery or incubator.